Your Word is what fills me with dread.
I rejoice in Your promise,
like someone on finding a vast treasure.
I hate, I detest, delusion;
Your Law is what I love.
Seven times daily I praise You
for Your righteous rulings.
Universal peace for those who love Your Law,
no stumbling blocks for them!
Waiting for You, Yahweh, my Savior,
I fulfill Your commandments.
My soul observes Your decrees;
these I wholly love.
I observe Your precepts, your decrees;
You know how I keep to Your paths.
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,
both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.
both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.
Universal peace for those who love Your Law!
This passage from Psalm 119:161-168, of the 26th day, is what instantly came to mind as I viewed the following pictures of a young brother being baptised and chrismated (anointed) into the Body of Christ in Australia.
Leaving behind all argument, all disputation, he enters the womb of his new Mother, the Holy Church, to be born again of the eternal womb. In truth, he is now adelphós, a ‘womb-mate.’
Glory to You, O God! Glory to You!
Glory to You, O God! Glory to You!
I look to no one else in heaven,
I delight in nothing else on earth.
My flesh and my heart are pining with love,
my heart's Rock, my own, God for ever!
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