It's good for you.
Don't worry about being good.
Just keep talking to the God your eyes can't see.
Your heart will cover for you.
Smile like you've just inherited a million dollars,
and go out of your way to start giving it away.
When you go to church, remember that it's just another room.
Don't forget to go outside for some fresh air.
Finally, remember, exercise and sleep are good for you,
and when you shower, don't forget to wash the soles of your feet.
That is the best sermon I have heard all week, brother Romanós! Thank you.
The message of simplicity conveyed by this posting reminds me of a small book published about 10 years ago titled "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff." We need to worry less about everyday minutiae, and remember that we are children of a loving God who wants us to have a life of happiness.
να μη ιδρωσης τα μικρά πράγματα is a saying I learned from a Greek friend years ago that she said meant, "don't sweat the small stuff." Your comment, George, reminded me of it. Thanks.
This short post was originally my comment on a Christian blog recently. The topic was people saying they were getting tired of trying to be "spiritual," and were saying that "everything is spiritual" so you don't have to read the bible and pray and all that. Hmm, well, I couldn't put up with that kind of talk, though I could understand a little of where they were coming from, so these words just tumbled out of me.
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