And what do I give Him in return? What can I give Him who has given me all and who Himself has all and is all? We are not separated from each other as a rich man is from a poor man. No, the contrast is much greater. We are separated from each other as being is separated from non-being. I only am because He wills it. I cannot even say ‘I am’ as He can say ‘I am.’ When I say it, it is only a confession that He is. When He says it, it is His very Name.
I try at least to thank Him, as dust thanks the light for revealing it to itself. But even in the open mouth of my thanksgiving ‘He fills the hungry with good things’ (Luke 1:53), or as the psalmist declares of the Lord Yahweh, ‘you have only to open your mouth for Me to fill it’ (Psalm 81:10). As Francesco di Bernardone says, ‘We are all poor in the eyes of our Lord,’ and it is our poverty, our very nothingness, that attracts His grace and draws down His unbounded mercy. As General Löwenhielm asserted in his testimony at Babette’s feast, ‘we come to realize that mercy is infinite. We need only await it with confidence and receive it with gratitude.’ God is good. What else can we say of Him? Nothing is enough, yet He accepts all.

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