I haven't much to say about anything, but I am profiting by silence. I haven't much to offer anyone, so I wait till I am called on. This morning I looked in on my dear friend and brother in Christ, Yudhie Kristanto, a college student in Indonesia, and read a reflection on silence that he wrote on his blog. The short passage quoted above brought all other thought to attention. Like words of holy and divine scripture, sometimes a brief word spoken or written by a brother can have more than a slight ripple effect. I am going now to read psalms, pray, and reflect on what Yudhie wrote. Indeed, God's mercy… and nothing else, is what we need, for…
Apart from Me, you can do nothing.
cf. John 15:5
My humble prayers be with you, Romanos! God is with us. Thanks for sharing this to others here.
We are often too busy to hear the still small voice of the Spirit of God within-television,newspapers,CD etc all crowd out what God may be saying to us.Yet our calling is to be a priest before Him.I think Tersteegen expresses it well in this hymn where he describes this very aspect of our service to God. If we really believed this and truly experienced his presence would we not want to spend all our lives at his feet?
His priest am I, before Him day and night,
Within His Holy Place;
And death, and life, and all things dark and bright,
I spread before His Face.
Rejoicing with His joy, yet ever still,
For silence is my song
My work to bend beneath His blessed will,
All day, and all night long--
For ever holding with Him converse sweet,
Yet speechless, for my gladness is complete.
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