How faith and piety are handed over
The author of this blog is not a theologian trained in schools where they study what cannot be studied, theology. He studied the humanities, something which can be studied because it is worldly, human knowledge. He drew his Orthodox faith and piety from parádhosis (παραδοσις, "handing over the goods"). He received it in the way faith and piety are transmitted… from teacher to disciple, from parent to child, from elder to disciple, from Christian to Christian, in other words, by personal relationship. For this reason he is one who experiences divine things, not one who learns about them, having faith as a guide and not knowledge (encyclopedic-scientific information). He “walks by faith and not by sight,” as Apostle Paul says (2 Corinthians 5:7). This is why his blog seems sometimes harsh; it does not have the compromises that reveal little faith, nor accommodations to avoid being unpleasant to people of contrary views, nor any false brotherliness. He believes at all times that “honesty is the best policy.”
“…it will be no use… to sail for the World’s End with men unwilling or men deceived.”
C. S. Lewis, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
...and I am thankful to have walked with him, even walking with him in the Spirit, and hopeful to walk with him again; both fellow disciples following Messiah.
Thank you for your witness downtown this Christmas weekend.
Grace and peace, my brother.
It was good that this truth was written of you. Go with God brother Romanos!!
laura jean
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