Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The strength, and the weakness

This is the strength of Christianity: that beyond all the good and all the evil in the world, no matter what happens to us as individuals, as families, or as nations, our stability remains intact, because it is founded on the unchangeable God and His Christ, who is the same yesterday, today and forever.

This is the weakness of Christianity: that in spite of the guarantee of God that He provides, sustains, and protects beyond all appearances, those who say they believe do not trust Him in everything, but rather seek to provide for themselves, seek their treasure on earth, and try to protect even Him.

The tragedy of Christianity is that it continues to exist, generation after generation, in this weakness. The miracle of Christianity is that it still produces, that is, Christ still strengthens, His saints.


  1. > those who say they believe do not trust Him in everything, but rather seek to provide for themselves, seek their treasure on earth

    Brother, I think those are 2 different things, aren't they?
    Shouldn't we "seek to provide for themselves"? if not, it sounds like: "I'm not going to work - Lord will provide".
    But seeking the earthly treasure instead of the Pearl - yeah, that's a tragedy...

  2. Brother, I am not here saying that people should sit around and do nothing, God forbid! but that knowing that God 'provides for His beloved as they sleep' (Psalm 127) they should not be anxious, should not try to 'be in control' or worse, even try to control God ('protect Him'). All this refers back to Christ's saying, 'Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you as well.' Yes, by all mean work, but work with faith in God to determine the outcome, and work not for reward, but take what He provides. This is the subtle truth that divides the 'by faith alone' heresy from Orthodox truth.

    Thanks for your comment.
