Monday, September 15, 2014

No place

Your words, all of them, how true. This experience that you and I and a handful of others I have known and millions I have not known have shared or are sharing, this is the sign and seal of ‘the little flock.’

“Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.” (Luke 12:32)

Yes, as scripture says, “The point of all our toiling and battling is that we have put our trust in the living God, and He is the Savior of the whole human race, but particularly of all believers.”
(St Paul, in 1 Timothy 4:10)

Yes, ‘the whole human race.’
That includes the majority who never knew the Lord personally or even by name, yet who love What and Who He is, and follow Him as best they can.

That includes the minority who yet dwell within the vast enclosure of the visible Church, having been baptised and anointed, instructed and even practice what they understand of the gospel, even if only knowing religion and not Christ.

And finally that includes the very tiny fraction of that immense Loaf, the Body of Christ, that allowed itself to know the Lord, be known by Him, allowed itself to be cut out (though from the very center) of that Loaf, jabbed with the lance, then fractured into tinier and tinier fragments, each bearing the name of a suffering soul being prayed for, and then finally to be dropped into that Cup, the Blood of Christ, to be eaten by the faithful, yet unconsumed, eaten by the unaware, yet they still bear the same wounds for their transgressions as we do, all of us scarred by our sins, but finally, made whole, restored unblemished, blessed and resurrected in the new field of God’s Kingdom, where everyone, known and unknown, homed or homeless in this world, welcomed or unwelcome, has arrived at last where the sea is no more, where every tear has been wiped away by the hand of Him who always loved us.

Yes, do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.

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