Sunday, September 11, 2011

On the ship

Aunt Melanie, a dear sister in Christ, commented,

Over the past couple of days, I have had some free time and I began browsing some blogs which I would not normally have visited—just going from link to link. I was not aware of all the current "schismatic" factions in the church: severe administrative differences even within the same Orthdox jurisdiction, the force of gays and lesbians asserting theological justification for their lifestyle, and the impact of militant feminism even on the Bible itself.

Now, I know every age has its problems and we need responsible people to address these problems, but I began to feel satisfied with my little life in the margins of both society and church. I am freed to read the Bible and pray, and spared from becoming stressed over or drawn astray by matters which I am not qualified to settle anyway. I am freed even from obsessing over these things.

Yes, there are probably many ships which have sailed away, pirated by theological and lifestyle errors and by self-importance and by the devil himself. It is humbling to know that, although I do not have perfect theological knowledge and I do have my worldly ways, I am not on one of those ships.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous14/9/11 05:57

    The illustration seems to show just how whacky, bizarre, and chaotic sin can sometimes be; yet some people will regard certain sins as modern, alternatives, and rights. It gets especially complicated if they invest childhood deprivations and unfulfilled yearnings into the journey, and if predatory others are willing to become their leaders.

    But, I am afraid this ship has a broken mast, the sea can be rough, and the ship is doomed to toss or eventually sink. Even the Titancic cannot compare to this.
