Monday, July 25, 2011

Lord, have mercy

The real world is just too real for us.
We cannot see, and we lose our way.

The father of Anders Breivik, a Norwegian man who went on a rampage and killed seventy-six persons, declares publicly and reiterates that his son should have committed suicide rather than kill all those innocent people.

Yes, commit suicide, my son, and spare those innocent people.
Words spoken too late, words spoken too little, not words of wisdom but of despair. Where there is no faith, the impossible happens.
What father says this to a son?

He disowns his son in full view of the world. Disowns what son?
From his manse in the south of France, not Norway, he can formally give up a son that he abandoned at age one, disassociating himself from the fruit of his life.

An apple never falls far from the tree. What are you hiding, Mr Breivik senior? What would you flee from, you who would not kill seventy-six innocents? It was only one that you did not kill but sentenced to a certain death. Yes, flee, but to what refuge?

How blessed are the merciful, for mercy shall be shown them.
Lord, have mercy on Your world.


  1. A bitter harvest of selfishness, indeed, Romanós. That there are those who would have us believe that this killer is a follower of Jesus Christ shows us how little the world knows who Christ is.

  2. Amen, dear sister, to your words! And thanks for leaving them.
