Thursday, May 26, 2011

But wait, there is more…

First, we know that we are not our own, we do not own ourselves, we did not create ourselves. We owe our existence to our parents, yes, but even more to God.

Second, we are also not our own because by being born into this world, we along with Adam and Eve have sold ourselves as slaves to sin and death.

But wait, there is more.
God who created us is the Father of Jesus, His Only-Begotten Son. This Son of God became a human being, a man, and remained God. By His death on the Cross, and by His resurrection, He has paid the price for us, and now we are no longer the property of sin and death, but the property of God.

The Word of God says about us, ‘You were bought at a price. Do not become the slaves of other men!’

But wait, there is still more.
Not only did the Son of God purchase us for Himself by His blood, being the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world, but He has also adopted us into His family. We are now His brothers, we are the children of God, and we can now call God ‘our Father.’

The Word of God says, ‘To everyone who accepts Jesus, He gives power to become the children of God.’

So we are not our own property, yet the One who does own us has changed us from mere property, mere slaves, into His own children.

Being now His children, we are his heirs, we inherit His Kingdom as one of His own family.

Knowing the truth of all these things, let us give ourselves back to Him every day, Who is our good and loving God, Who has transformed slavery into freedom, and death into life.


I learned this lesson,
‘You were bought at a price. Do not become the slaves of other men!’ from my mother, Irene, who never stopped telling us this at every opportunity. She reposed in 1986.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous28/5/11 09:25

    If we are His children and His heirs, then we are not alone but in great company.
