Monday, May 30, 2011

Black and white

My world is not a world of black and white. My house is not an abode of absolutes. When I say things, though I try to mean what I say, and say what I mean, I yield the floor to the Only Teacher of Mankind. He alone is the Only Absolute in my life. He tells me to move, I move. He tells me to stand, I stand. He says, give this, I give it. Take that, and I take it. Speak, and I form the words. Be still, and I watch and wait. His way is the high way. He shows me the field paths, and night or day, high or low, wet or dry, black or white, I follow. But don't ever take me at my word, since only He can be trusted, with you, with me, and with all. Only He can lead you out of the land of black and white, of yes and no, of true and false, so just let go. Let go, let go, O my soul, just let go.

1 comment:

  1. There are some people who believe that white is white and black is black -- there are no grays. In psychology, these people are believed to possess an authoritarian personality. They are very outspoken and believe that only their way is "the right way."

    Fortunately, most people do not possess this kind of personality. Rather, they are flexible and moderate in their views.

    In our everyday actions, it would behoove us to ask ourselves, "Would Jesus want me to do this?" If the answer is yes, we should do it; if the answer is no, we should not. It's that simple.
