However, since he received less than he had asked for, he began to insult her, speaking improperly about her and about me.
When she heard this, she was hurt and sought to harm him. Therefore, on learning this, I told her: What are you doing, conspiring against yourself? You are removing every virtue from your soul. For what is it that you worthily endure, by comparison with those things, which Christ endures for you? I know, my lady, that you have distributed all your possessions as if they were worthless.
Nevertheless, unless you acquire meekness, then you will be like the forger beating an iron nugget but producing no vessel. Ignatios the God-bearer says, ‘I require meekness, through which all of the power of the prince of this age is abolished.’
The sign of abolishing this world is not being troubled when someone insults you.
"...through which all of the power of the prince of this age is abolished." When one thinks of insults, it is not immediately apparent to the human mind/condition that the devil delights in any reaction of getting even. There are some personality types that are very focused on nurturing the wounds they have received over the years and on getting back--as a lifestyle, as something to do to fill in the empty spaces of life. When put into the context of abolishing the prince of this age, it is 'easier' to understand how much more is lost--much more than all the original insults--through vengeance. By trying to bring down the powers of the insulters, one increases the powers of the evil one.
Yes, you are right, much more is lost through nurturing revenge than was spoiled by receiving the insult.
I can't understand how people don't see that it is the devil who is putting us up to this.
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