I wrote this to a young Christian brother who was struggling with the fact that professed Christians “settle for less” than Christ's standard to “seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33 NIV).
With all due respects to your Dad, there is nothing merely earthly that is worth going down for, when you have been raised up by Jesus.
Now, if this is true for enlightened, philosophical pagans, it’s true of Christians, or at least it should be. Is this any different, really, than Christ's admonition? “If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life maimed than with two hands to go into hell…” (Mark 9:43 NIV).
I am an example of one who chose the right over the profitable. It has made most of my relatives my enemies in the long run (not blood-sucking enemies, just people who hold me in contempt), has lost me all the prestige and professional “respect” I ever had, and has even marginalized me at church. But fortunately, I don't care.
It’s all in the Bible. If you choose the right persistently, young brother, you cannot avoid living a crucified life. And if there’s any other kind of Christian life worth living, tell me about it.
The days are evil, brother and the cross shines brighter in the darkness. Still prayin' for you.
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