Sunday, July 11, 2010

Our sure destination

Christ is the Master of all of us, and He is the one who keeps us standing in Him, regardless of our condition, knowledge, devotion, lifestyle, opinions, even beliefs.

All beliefs are nothing compared to just standing in the Presence and adoring Him. They were never meant to be anything but placeholders for that experience, and we can stand in the Presence even now, but how much more fully when we finally become alive.

People talk about the saints as if they were dead
and about themselves as if they were alive, but the opposite is true.

Only those who have died are really alive, and that is where Jesus is going as He walks ahead of us, and that is our sure destination too, as long as we keep following Him.


  1. Thank you brother for the talk today. Respecting others, even when it is obvious that they are greater than you, is so hard for the modern Christian.

    Many take things too far. All men may be created equal, but what man can become in Christ quite often varies...

    I hope the seed planted in me is the good type, bringing forth a harvest...

  2. That was a comforting read, brother.

  3. Thank you for your kind words on the Blasphemous Book. Today the stupidity of the world was extra inspirational. I feel like a sort of Juvenal. What would the Old Testament equivalent of Juvenal be, I wonder. I also have the blog over here. I was surprised to see how many people are reading it. No death threats, yet, but the year is young.
