Saturday, December 26, 2009

Back to Normal

Ah, so Google is back to normal. It’s December 26th.

Leading up to and including Christmas Day, the world-class search engine (I use it almost exclusively) had a graphic embellishment of their logo: secular holiday cards, one with a prominent ‘peace symbol’ on it, gradually accumulating. When you would hover your mouse over the logo, you’d get the message ‘happy holidays’ whereas the normal logo gives you the message ‘Google,’ nice and flat.

Surely we’ve noticed how Google likes to put up an embellished logo to celebrate various days. The latest one that sticks in my mind was for the birthday of Zamenhoff, the Polish Jew who created the ‘international language’ Esperanto. Of course, Mahatma Gandhi's birthday, and that of dozens of people who I’ve never even heard of, have been likewise commemorated, as have events and other days of ‘world’ significance, ‘Earth Day’ for example. Surprisingly, some ‘national’ days have also been ‘honored,’ Thanksgiving for example, though in a trivialized manner that completely hides the meaning of the holiday.

Astonishingly, though, the birth day of Jesus Christ cannot be noticed. I’m not speaking of Christmas as a ‘Christian’ holiday, now—just the birth day of Jesus bar Joseph of Nazareth, a Jewish non-seminary-trained, itinerant rabbi of the first century of the ‘Common Era’ (C.E.) whose profound teachings have been widely acknowledged and praised, even by those who don’t accept the Christian interpretation of His life and death. Thus demonstrated, the hypocrisy of the elite who currently think they run things in today’s world is revealed. Every good thing they have at their disposal is directly or indirectly dependent on the universal effect that the life (and death, and resurrection) of Jesus of Nazareth, who is called the Christ, has had on the human world, and yet they cannot even acknowledge His birth day, as they run to do for lesser men.

Ironically, it is by their denial of Him in even such small details, that they acknowledge Who He is. They prove His words to be true.

They hated me for no reason.
John 15:24, Psalm 35:19 quoted by Jesus as referring to Himself

What John the Evangelist wrote in the prologue of his gospel, an overview of the situation that would prevail till the end of time, is also proven right.

The Word [that is, Christ, who is the Word of God]
was the true Light that enlightens all men;
and He was coming into the world.
He was in the world
that had its being through Him,
and the world did not know Him.
John 1:9-10

If Jesus Christ was an ordinary human being, even one of great accomplishments, He would be commemorated by Google and hundreds of other wanna-be’s and hangers-on to the world system. But Jesus is the one thing, the one person that the world just can’t stand. Why is this? Because He is the Light of the world, and that Light enlightens all men (is apparent in their reasoning minds) and reveals their darkness, and they can’t bear to be reminded of it. They don’t want to see it, because then, they would have to turn away from that darkness, from those thoughts, words and deeds of darkness, and turn towards Him, the Light. They’re afraid to become what they are not, what they know not, to lose control and let their Creator make right what they have spoiled in themselves. They’d rather live penned up in a stinking sty, than be released through the open gate of repentance, to join the flock of His pasture.But to all who did accept Him
He gave power to become the children of God,
to all who believe in the name of Him
who was born not out of human stock,
or urge of the flesh,
or will of man,
but of God Himself.
John 1:12-13

1 comment:

  1. But to all who did accept Him
    He gave power to become the children of God,
    to all who believe in the name of Him
    who was born not out of human stock,
    or urge of the flesh,
    or will of man,
    but of God Himself.
    John 1:12-13

