“Is the Orthodox faith a set of ideas or a divine reality?”
If it is a set of ideas then we’d better get our arguments together and do it soon.
Christ himself said, “…if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight…” But His kingdom is not of this world – it is not among the things that are passing away. It is that which is coming and it will never pass away. Many accompanying aspects of the Kingdom have come and gone and come and gone (I think of the outward trappings of empire and the like). Those things which have come and gone are of this world and should be of no concern to us.
The ability to remain silent even in the face of an invitation to argue is not weakness, but confidence in the truth.
The faith has never failed because we lacked good arguments and the will to carry them forward. The faith has failed at points because we failed to believe it.
If the Orthodox faith flourishes in this world, at this time, it will be because it flourishes in the lives of those who have embraced it.
We live in a 24/7 news cycle – marked mostly by talking-heads and interminable arguments. Does anyone actually believe that another argument, even when brought by a Christian, will matter?
An argument won’t matter. But a Christian will – precisely because an authentic Christian is so hard to find.
The words above are quoted from Fr Stephen's post I Don't Know About That. If you have never visited Fr Stephen's blog, Glory to God for All Things, I suggest you do it now, and then take a break, read your bible, pray, and thank God that Christians still exist who know these things.
That's what I'm going to do.
Oh ouch!!! I think I've blogged about similar topics before.