Two Sorrows
Regret not that sorrow coming from heavenly places
Such as this bears the fruit of repentance and life
But resist at every turn the sorrow of the world
Within it is the seed of despair and the bloom of death
The Father’s hand preserves all things in Christ
Such a preservation as this calls joyous, sorrow
Each hair counted even when cut
Each foot washed though filthy
Each wound cleansed of corruption
Each sight cured in blindness
Each hand held though frail
Each heart healed with tears
Is it better for us to live deaf from our sins all our days
Or be given words that stab our lungs and steal our breath?
Blessed is the sister that gives such words kindly
Cursed is the brother whose weak tongue fails him
He who has from the days of Cain comforted sinners downcast
Will send myrrh-bearers with their fragrant oils to your door
— David Dickens, Nothing Hypothetical
sweet! How beautiful, I love this and indeed this bring to me a comfort and warming my soul. Thanks brother David for such poem, and for Romanos thanks for sharing this with us!