Friday, July 31, 2009

If we want to be Christians

The title of this post seems to be an absurd statement. How can anyone say, "If we want to be Christians…"? Aren't we Christians already? Isn't that what we are by being baptized, for believing in Jesus, for going to church services, and for trying to be helpful or at least friendly to the people around us? Well, maybe. But as I've sometimes said, "Wait! There is more…"

Fr Stephen has republished another post that he wrote a while back entitled Rightly Reading. I recommend this post to you, brethren, and you can read it by clicking here.

The following passage really caught my attention. It is so true…
Contrary to our popular self-conception, we are not a culture that values learning. We are a culture that values opinion, and opinion as entertainment (God save us from the pundits!). Dilettantism plagues us. If we want to be Christians, we must start with the small things and the practices that make for proper discipleship and “let not many of us become teachers.” Let many of us become those who pray, who fast, who repent, who forgive even their enemies and through the grace of God come to know the stillness within which God may be known.

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