Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Light

A short but very excellent post, Over time [and not overnight] by our new brother in Indonesia, Yudhie, includes some very good thinking about sharing Christ with others, that is, about evangelism. He concluded his essay with a quote of Abba Barsanuphios which I posted as Sow in Hope. His words reminded me also of a saying of Abba Porphyrios which I posted as The secret of true evangelism. All these posts share in the same spirit, that which motivates us to witness Christ to our unbelieving neighbors.

As it so happened, right after reading Yudhie's post, I picked up my copy of Jesus Freaks II—Revolutionaries by dc Talk to read, and inside as a bookmark I found an old Christian comic that I really liked and saved. It also is about sharing the good news with others. I decided to scan the comic and post it here, in case any of my readers would like a copy. The seven frames of the comic can be downloaded to your computer by left clicking the mouse button to enlarge to image, and then right clicking and selecting "Save Picture As."
Here it is…

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your kindness Romanos that you mention my unworthy blog. The links you give in this post has been a blessing for me (and I am sure, us),especially the great saying of Abba Porphyrios! The comic is also so awesome! Love this post so much!

