Here I am stealing again, Romanós the thief.
"The thieves were stealers, but reason condemned Him, and the grave was empty where they had laid Him." (Incredible String Band,
Job's Tears)
I have run across a testimony of great value, translated from the Serbian by Fr Milovan and published at his blog
Again and Again.
If the passage I am quoting below sounds helpful to you, read the entire piece by clicking the link
If you desire…
If it is to be first you desire, be last. If to rule, be the servant. If to be heard, be silent. You desire to have, then give. If you desire to buy, then save. If it is a well mannered child you desire, nourish him. If a learned child, teach him. If the love of the child, love him first. If respect, respect them first. If honor, love those around you. If you desire they love you, suffer long, be amiable, do not get angry, nor exaggerate, nor boast. Love your neighbors and you, too, will be loved. If you desire to be God’s, do good for life, respect your older brother and you will have the respect of the younger one…
The testimony from which this passage was taken is of Fr Simon Turkic, a Serbian Orthodox presbyter. The translation of the entire testimony into English is by Fr Milovan Katanic.
Thank you, Fr Milovan!
Hello, I found your site through "Glory to God". I just copied this post for my Facebook and attributed it as you did. Thanks so much for this article!
The beautiful paradox of the Kingdom! Thank you, brother for drawing our attention to it once again...
In Christ,
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