Thursday, June 12, 2008

A new Tower of Babel

June is Gay Pride month in Portland, Oregon.

Nothing has changed. People are still people. There will always be a minority of people who have sexuality issues, whose emotional makeup is at odds with their physical configuration. God made us. How some of us got out of harmony, only God knows. He is probably more merciful towards people with this kind of dysfunction than most people believe. Every defect or obstacle is permitted to test us and make us stronger, not to destroy us. That goes for people with sexuality issues too. Now, the world has built another tower of babel, this time for sexuality issues, hoping to funnel the people who have them into chain gangs, to haul the building blocks up the ramps. Higher and higher they go. It's only a matter of time before the Hand of God strikes the building and releases the slaves.

Come, Lord Jesus.

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