Monday, April 14, 2008

Am I missing something?

I suppose the young man who wrote the paragraph I'm about to quote will tell me, "Yep! You're missing something! You need to have that close, personal relationship with Jesus that I have! Then you can get all the great gifts I get, and find out what an awesome God we serve!" Of course, I'm putting words in his mouth, and maybe he wouldn't one-up-man me like this, but if he did, it wouldn't surprise me. I probably deserve it.

The God who called me, who saved me, whom I meet in the pages of His written Word, in the mysterion of the Eucharist, and in the love of the Brethren, His Body, the God who (Scripture says) is the Holy One who makes His home in the praises of Israel (cf. Psalm 22:3), who lives in a High and Holy place, yet is also with the contrite and humble spirit (cf. Isaiah 57:15)—This is the God whom I approach, at all times, with faith, fear (awe) and love. I call the Father, "Abba" as I make my metanoia before Him, thanking Him for creating me, forgiving me, and redeeming me through the sacrifice of His Only-Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, "by Whom all things were made" (cf. Symbol of Nicaea), "the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world" (cf. 1 Peter 1:20), and for sealing me into His Kingdom by "the Seal of the Gift of the Holy Spirit" (cf. Orthodox baptismal service). "What great a god as our God, who alone performs wonders!" (Greek hymn, Tis Theos megas). How can anyone address YHWH Sabaoth, the Holy One of Israel, the King of kings of kings (blessed be He!), as "Dude"? But someone does. I will quote only the beginning of his post. Click here to read the whole post.

Hanging with the Most Holy

I am starting to realize (it's being revealed to me?) that to have that close, intimate "Abba" relationship Jesus wants with me, I need to draw closer — to talk and think more closely... not like a bond-servant, but as a friend, as an intimate. John (the apostle) was, perhaps, Jesus's best friend here on earth, (the one that Jesus loved). We need to be like that, too. So what I realized was that the "traditional" way of thinking about and talking about Jesus was limiting me. I should be able to say, "Dude, you are just so awesome! All this stuff you made, cool beyond compare. I just LOVE what you do!" And you know what? I DO feel closer to Him when I start to think and talk like that, because that artificial wall between us that makes me feel "He's TOO great and TOO big for me to talk to completely free and honestly" disappears…

Am I just being stuffy and old-fashioned? Honestly, I don't know. But I've never felt closer to the Lord than when I draw near to Him in faith, fear (awe) and love. He is an awesome God, really awesome, not "awesome" like just about every other thing is "awesome" to some people, "That's awesome, man!"

No. Our God is not like that. Our God is the Almighty, and as we say in Greek, Ο Παντοκρατωρ ζη (o Pándokrator zi, "the Almighty lives"). He is the One who says of Himself, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, who is, who was, who is to come, the Almighty" (Revelation 1:8).

Yes, someone is missing something
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, the sinner!

1 comment:

  1. Romanos, got me so stirred by your article I read the young man's blog and commented a few times.At best it is a bit like a teenager who gets excited about a girl or new sport.In his excitement he goes over the topand says things which do not have the moderation of maturity.
