The title of this post is a question posed by a local Baptist pastor after returning from a trip to Israel. He asked it in a post entitled Some Final Thoughts Regarding My Journey. His question provoked a response that I'd like to share with you. The pastor may not have expected anyone to answer it, because it was probably rhetorical from his point of view. The answer he got to this question, whether he expected it or not, rings very true. What do you think?
Yes, amen! Church where are you?
But wait…which church are you talking about?
The Invisible Church has always believed, has always done the work of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, for the Three are in agreement.
The Invisible Church has NEVER CEASED to do that work.
Those of the body of the Invisible Church have maintained the testimony of Jesus Christ, which is the spirit of prophecy.
The Invisible Church encompasses that mighty construct, that institution, the Visible Church.
Is it just now that that institution is waking from its slumber?
The Institution turns to new movements, new strategies, calling them “emergent” and “missional” and “intentional” and “emertional”, when the whole time the Invisible Church has been quietly working.
You have not found something new, no; perhaps you have just now noticed what has been going on outside the worship centers since the time of the Apostles.
If the church has ever ceased to believe and do the will of the Father, then Christ has failed, which is impossible.
No, even if all the churches were dead organisms, Christ would still have two or three doing the work somewhere.
He wastes nothing.
If 500 are gathered, He uses it.
If one is testifying, presenting the gospel to another, He uses that.
He is never more present with the 500 than with the one, for the one is often the sole person in prison somewhere for their testimony, like Antipas, the faithful witness who was put to death in that city where Satan lived, Pergamum.
The one is often the elderly widow, who retires to her bedroom, shutting the door to pray alone, lifting up the saints everywhere in intercession.
The sole person is even the young spry man who helps the wheelchair-bound retrieve a pack of bottled water from the top shelf at “Freddies”.
The work of Christ is active, whether we see it or not.
Messiah, raised in power, never ceases to work through His Bride.
Whether we labor or sleep, planted seeds grow.
The goal is to plant the seed, and then God can work.
If no seed is sown, nothing is reaped.
Taking it further, it seems the Visible Church has plunged into social issues.
Is feeding the hungry a must?
Yes, but IT IS the by-product of living a Spirit-filled life.
Does the gospel take
the back seat?
What difference does it make if we feed bread to the starving today, so that they might live today, though die the next, the whole time withholding from them, today, the Bread of Life, the bread that satisfies eternal starvation?
Those good deeds are in vain.
Anyone can feed the poor, the poor we will have with us always.
But what is needed to present the Good news?
The Spirit-filled church.
Feed them both breads!
The Bread of Life first, even together!
The message must be presented, clearly and straight, so that others can make an intelligent decision. If they reject it, so be it. At least it was presented.
Let them eat the physical bread still, perhaps they’ll have a change of heart tomorrow and feast on the Bread of Life.
Is a life in Darfur, a poor, helpless child, any more valuable than the rich, retired neighbor next door, who has everything but salvation?
Does God see one as more valuable than the other? Should we?
Who ended up in the fire, Lazarus or the Rich man?
The beggar or Dives?
The testimonies for the Churches are contained in the first 3 chapters of the Apocalypse of Jesus Christ, the Revelation.
He, who has ears to hear, let them hear what the Spirit is saying to the Churches.
My question is:
Institutional Church, where are you?
These associations cannot seem to leave the walls
they were created in.
I cannot be quite. If I comment too much let me know. But these words are the words I hear too. This is Truth from the Spirit of God; Pure, Simple, Rich. Be them. Do them. As the Village Pastor stated, our God is the same yesterday, today and forever. His is an underground Army, for the soldiers in the edifice often grow complacent with the false sense of safety...forgetting that the battles are raging on for the Kingdom...out in the streets and marketplaces (in the cyber world and in the 3rd world). What a blessing to hear the harmonious echoes of the Spirit from the hearts of our forever family around the world.