…I wish! At the end of the Passover Seder, we will pray,
"O Pure One, Who dwells on high, raise up the countless congregation, soon—guide the offshoots of Your plants, redeemed, to Zion with glad song. Next year in Jerusalem!"

Tomorrow, Monday evening, they tell me, is the first evening of Pesach, the Jewish Passover. We used to observe Pesach with a Seder at our house while our four sons were growing up. Sometimes with guests, sometimes not, but an extra seat was always ready for the unexpected guest…
may it be holy prophet Elijah! We haven't observed Pesach as a family for many years now. You see, we're Greek Orthodox, and we're not supposed to. Oh well, nobody said we couldn't! I miss it, nonetheless.
This year an unusual concurrence of Jewish Passover (starts Monday evening), Greek Pascha (the first Bridegroom service of Great Week was tonight, I just returned from it), and Latin Easter (what Roman Catholics and all other Christians observe) happens during the week between April 1st and 8th (or a few days later, because Jewish Passover lasts a bit longer). That's why I'm calling this article "This year in Jerusalem." Thinking about this made me wonder what it will be like in Jerusalem this year. I wonder how the
holy fire will appear in the kouvouklion (tomb of Christ) inside the Anastasis (Resurrection) Church, what Latins call the "Church of the Holy Sepulchre."
Who will get to go inside, when Greeks and Latins venerate the resurrection of Jesus on the same day? They must take turns. But, as for the holy fire…

In case any of my friends and readers in the Portland area find this post, I want to encourage them to experience at least some of the
many daily services of Great and Holy Week. This invitation is to all, but particularly to my evangelical Christian friends. The service tonight, for example, was beautiful and edifying in every detail. We venerated Christ the Bridegroom, and we heard the gospel story of His withering of the fig tree. We also commemorated Joseph son of Jacob, called in Greek "pankalos", the "all-beautiful":
"Jacob lamented the loss of Joseph, but his noble son was seated in a chariot and honored as a king; for when he refused to be enslaved by the fascinations of the Egyptian woman, he was glorified by Him Who beholds the hearts of men and bestows an incorruptible crown." [Kontakion]
"Let us now add our lamentations to him who laments, and let us pour out our tears with those of Jacob bewailing his glorious and wise son. For Joseph, though enslaved in body, preserved his soul in freedom and became lord over all Egypt. For God prepares for His servants an incorruptible crown." [Ikos]
And as to us, we sang tonight these words paraphrasing the words of our Savior Jesus:
"All the powers of the hosts of the Gentiles shall be ranged against you, for My portion is not with the minds of rulers nor with their authority. He therefore who would be chief among you, let him be the servant of all; and knowing Me as your Lord, sing praises, and exalt unto all ages." [Troparion]To everyone, I extend well wishes for a blessed Pascha, happy Pesach, and joyous Easter.
I think I won't be on the internet much this week, for obvious reasons.
"Let us sing unto the Lord, Who by His divine command dried up the impassable and foaming sea, and permitted the people of Israel to pass through on foot; for gloriously has He been glorified."
[1st Ode, 2nd Tone, Irmos, from the 1st Bridegroom service]