Why? Precisely because it is there that He is wanted.
What? How can that be? They want Buddha, they want Krishna, they want to do yoga, to meditate, to raise their consciousness, to arouse the kundalini, to see the One in All, but not Jesus!
No, my Christian friends.
They DO want Jesus, they DO want the Living God, the One Who is, Who was, Who is to come, the Pantokrator.
They WANT Him.
What they DON'T want is just another "version."
What they don't want is your ideas about a God who seems helpless to transform your lives, a God whom you seem to own, a God to whom you give your left-overs (even when you proudly give your tithe, you do it so you can receive His blessing, and so you can be seen as prosperous and victorious).
The Jesus the New Age wants is the Jesus who is looking for THEM, who walks to them in His disciples' feet, who smiles at them with His love in His disciples' eyes, who helps them with His disciples' hands.
The Jesus who comes in grace, willing to lay down His life in His disciples' willingness to lay down theirs, even to giving up their freedom without counting the cost.
New Age fairs are like this world of which they are a part, they include the sincere but also the insincere, those interested in the Truth but also those who want to make a profit from those who hope that money can buy Truth.
But the Truth cannot be bought or sold, no, not that way.
We are not those who buy or sell the Truth, for we know the Truth who has purchased us with more than money, and we could never sell Him who bought us at the price of His own blood.
We can go among them, the New Age seekers, following Him Who is already walking in their multitudes, seeking His sheep.
How ironic that man should think that he can seek God, or that he must seek Him.
No, it is the God we did not know who came to seek US.
And now that He has found us, who better to send out with Him to gather the rest of His lost sheep?
Go with Jesus.